Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Black Helicopters and Tin Foil Hats

My reason for discussing the paradox of value in my last entry was to set up a discussion of the bigger picture; “the system”. Whenever you start talking about a big grand conspiracy occurring right under our noses, you immediately get folks wary of tin foil hats and looking out windows for unmarked black helicopters. We’ve all probably heard enough crazy conspiracy theories to keep us entertained for days, but the reality is we are living in perilous times and many of us are suffering under the weight of our “benevolent” government masters.  Gone are the days of hard work and rugged individualism, as government dependency and mediocrity rule the day. Bit by bit, the liberties that allowed our ancestors the ability to choose their own paths has been eaten away and we are all herded like sheep into the lives chosen for us by government as opposed to the life we are called to by our creator. If you happen to survive 13 years in the government controlled school system you will likely graduate with a completely distorted view of history, and although the distortions might vary a little it will no doubt reinforce what the government wants us all to believe, that government is good and liberty is bad.  From the time we are born our names are immediately entered into the government database and we are assigned an (I get to pay taxes) number.  Kids these days are told they must go to college and get a degree no matter how much debt they accumulate to do it. While they are racking up this monstrous burden they are told “don’t worry your degree is golden, you will be entitled to a high paying job”.  If these twentysomethings happen to land a job, they are then told “you need to buy a house because it’s a great investment and they never go down in value”.  From the minute you enter the work force, you are conscripted to pay into the bankrupt government controlled retirement and medical plans in an attempt to get you vested in the concept of an expansive federal government. The central banks control the monetary system, manipulating the ability to accumulate real wealth while they pump up bubble after bubble. While you soldier on like a good little drone, the government colludes with certain elements of big business and big banking to enrich themselves at your expense. “But it’s okay, the government will protect us”.  Let me remind you of the ominous words of Vladimir Lennon: "The best way to destroy the Capitalist System is to debauch the currency and the way to crush the Bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation".

 I am not fatalistic when it comes to our current state of affairs, after all Jesus told us that his kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36). As Christians we are told to live in God’s kingdom and not the world system.  Paul went on to tell us not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by renewing our minds (Romans 12:2). I believe it is high time for Christians to shake off the bonds of government imposed slavery and begin to live the life that God has called them to.  Perhaps the system will move forward unabated, and we as believers will have to live under God’s authority. Maybe we can take back some of the power and change it through political activism (I really don’t know).  I would like to think a wave of independence will rush over the citizens of our great nation and we would begin to humble ourselves and look to God as the one who gives us everything we have and reject this government idolatry. This will entail tough choices, choices that I am frankly not sure people will make. However we get there it will only start one way, and that is with you. 

fides quaerens intellectum

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